Sunday, January 29, 2012

A conversation with Valentine...

So, Miss Valentine is one of the most darling little things, and says some of the funniest things. We have been having a lot of fun lately with our little three year old, with her refusing to poop in the toilet STILL, and her insisting on always picking out her own clothes (much to my amusement or chagrin, depending on the outfit and my mood) and her talking INCESSANTLY in the car. Seriously, every car ride the past week or two, she does not stop. And it's always some kind of conversation too that requires me to participate, which is fine, I looove talking to her, but there are some times that we're late and I'm stressed, or I just like my little quiet time while driving, or I'm really into the song I'm singing along to, and I'll ask her to please just STOP TALKING FOR A MINUTE PLEASE. I LOVE YOU, BUT JUST FOR A MINUTE PLEASE. Am I such a mean mother? Whatever. Anyways, it is mainly very amusing and I 90... ish percent of the time really enjoy our goofy little chats and the nutty/cute things that come out of my nutty/cute daughter's mouth. For example:

While driving by a church.....

V: "Um, Mama, I want Jesus? I want to see Jesus in Heaven."
Me: "Aw, sweetie, that is so great, I want to see Him too, but we can't go see Him in Heaven today."
V: "Please Mama?? I want to."
Me: "I know Tiny, we really want to be with Jesus in Heaven, but it's not going to be for awhile."
V: "Not for awhile?"
Me: "Yeah, we will someday, but first you have to go to school and college, and get married and have babies of your own and have grand-babies and go on a mission and do lots of amazing things. When you're an old lady you can go see Jesus in Heaven, but not today."
V: "Oh...... old lady? Go to school? And go poo-poo in the potty?"
Me: "YES. Yes. You definitely have to learn to go poo-poo in the potty before you can go to Jesus in Heaven."

Another day:

V: "Um, Mama? I wanna go poo-poo in my princess potty."
Me: "You do???!!!"
V: "Yeah, go poo-poo in da potty and get pink bike, and ice cream, and barbie, and princess dress, and make cookies and pancakes!" (we have pretty much promised her the moon if she'll just use the damn potty.)
Me: "Wow! That is so much fun, yes, we will, we will get all of that if you go in the potty!"
V: "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea!"
Me: "It is a great idea!"
V: "YEAH!!!"
Me: "Okay, so are you going to go potty when we get to Grandma's?"
V: "Um, no.... tomorrow Mama. Tomorrow."

She's been saying "uuum.... tomorrow, I'll go in the potty tomorrow," for at least a week now.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Some Late Holiday Pictures

Valentine has a new found love of lotion- and putting it in her and Moses' hair. She looks like Edward Scissorhands. And Moses looks like.... Mr. Clean.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A letter to my son

My Dearest Dearest Moses:

I love you sooooo much. Sooooo much. But tonight you threw up on me for probably the 1000th time. I'm not exaggerating, I don't think any sweet baby has ever thrown up on their mother as much as you have on me in these wonderful past 15 months. You are the cutest little thing ever, but you have been pushing my buttons like crazy ALL DAY, you have gotten sooo much snot all over me, you have sucked on me (I feel like the nursing will never end) and thrown up on me (hot dogs, in case you wanted to know, you threw up hot dogs on me) and I just started my period, ergo: I let you cry yourself to sleep tonight. I never quite had the heart/determination to do it with Valentine- I mean I tried, but after an hour or more of her either hysterically crying and screaming or contentedly talking to herself I realized it just wasn't going to happen. But you are a champ. You cried in your crib for 10 maybe 15 minutes and then you were sleeping, like the lovely big baby you are. See, you actually get tired and want to sleep, and that never happens with Valentine. I'm sorry to do that to you, but it had to be done, cause I didn't have any other options that wouldn't have involved me losing my brain. Thank you for going to sleep by yourself and also for having my most favorite laugh I've ever heard. You are the cutest and I love you so so much Little Man.


P.S. Um, if you do throw up on me one more time I might have to...... I don't know what, but something very drastic that's for sure. I love you.


Wow. I can't believe it's already been a year since last year.... does that make sense? I'm promising myself to update this more and I always feel so bad for not doing it, or writing in a journal ever for that matter, but I sometimes just don't know what to say. I've especially been in a bit of a funk the past week or two. I cannot bring myself to do anything productive. I want to stay in my warm bed all day and not have to worry about food, or going anywhere, or cleaning my apartment for the FIVE THOUSANDTH time, cause for some reason I cannot stay on top of it. I don't know, I'm not sad at all or anything.... I just don't want to do anything..... So it's a good thing that starting this week the pace is going to pick up a bit whether I want it to or not. Rehearsals for "Bye Bye Birdie" start this week (I'm the lead- did I mention that?! Just a little excited/intimidated/excited). Plus I have my recital coming up, so I have all my lessons and have to practice my butt of. Valentine is back in school and dance, Drew is at work all the time again and Moses is busier and more to maintain than ever. I guess I just really got lazy with the holidays and kind of loved it and basked in it and am lagging with getting back to reality. It'll be good for me and I'm actually quite excited about everything that's happening.... I guess maybe I'll just need to eat a lot of oreos or drink a lot of coke to get me through it all.....