Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cookie Monster

So I made coconut cookies the other night for my primary class (and Drew's Teachers "did Sister Hafer make us any treats this week?"- I've created monsters) and I put a plate in the middle of the coffee table with all of the leftover ones on it at home.  Drew and I were just sitting on the couch on our laptops and I look up and Valentine had snatched one of the cookies and was just standing there chewing and chomping away on it.  As you can see she was having the time of her life and thought that the cookie was delicious and awesome (which it was).  She was screaming and smiling and licking that thing for a long time- she's going to have a big sweet tooth just like her mom!  (And yes that is a pipe cleaner in her other hand- her new favorite toy).

Monday, May 18, 2009


Yeah, our car got stolen.  No joke.  My cute fast little cute Jetta got stolen.  I thought Drew was kidding when he called and told me (I'm in Idaho right now), but he wasn't.  He saw it Saturday night in the parking lot and when he walked out to go to church the next morning it was gone.  I hate Las Vegas and I want my cute fast car back.  Oh yeah, and the car seat was in it.  Who steals a car with a car seat in it?  You have to be a really big jerk to do that.