Saturday, February 27, 2010


Drew, V and I all went to meet Midwife Sierra at the Birth Center this week where we are planning to deliver Hafer Baby Deux.  I was pretty sure that I would deliver there, but now I am
POSITIVE because I LOVED IT!  It was wonderful, I loved the midwives and other staff, the rooms, the tummy molds hanging up all over the center and just the whole concept of the way they bring beautiful babies into the world.  I'm thinking of doing a water birth and couldn't be more excited.  The birthing room had a birthing ball, an awesome rocking chair with a wood piece that detaches from the seat so you can deliver your baby in the chair, a nice big tub for birthing, and a nice big non-hospital bed.  I loved it.  A lot.  And I can't imagine having someone better than my lovely Aunt Sierra deliver my baby- I love her.  I'll admit I'm a little nervous about not getting an epidural since it was pretty nice last time, but I'm strong (I think) and with Sierra's help I'll be fine- plus I can tell I'm going to appreciate and like this new experience- I didn't love the hospital last time.  I'm almost 9 weeks and can't wait for week 20 when we get to find out what our baby will be- what do you think?  A baby girl, Violet Mette, or a baby boy, Atticus William?  Drew's all for twins.  Yikes.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Oy Vay

Soooo....... the other day Drew and I were trying to run out the door to run some errands. I had a slight meltdown and was in tears because I could not find one piece of clothing that I owned that looked somewhat decent on my dumb ever-enlarging body.

Drew: "What's going on?"
Madie: (in tears) "NOTHING looks good on me!"
D: "What? You look fine, just throw something on, let's go."
M: "I can't just throw something on cause I look fat in everything I own!"
D: "No you don't you look great."
M: "No I don't! I just keep getting bigger and bigger right here!" (pointing to my love handles, tummy and butt- which is true by the way)
D: (a bit exasperated) "I don't know do some sit ups or something if you don't like it."

......... a few minutes later..........

D: "I'm sorry, you're beautiful- and pregnant! This is a wonderful thing that's happening to you, we're going to have another baby! Don't worry about how you look because you really do look great, you don't look fat, you're beautiful."
M: "Fine. Just for future reference- never tell your hormonal, very tired pregnant wife to do sit-ups when she says she's feeling fat."

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a lovely Valentine's Day with our Valentine- dressing her up in everything she owns that is pink or red or has hearts on it; having one-hour-long church (THE BEST); making Valentine sugar cookies; and V got to watch Sleeping Beauty (for the 10th time in the past 24 hours) and Little Mermaid.  In case you haven't heard Baby V's OBSESSED with Disney movies, especially Pocahontas, Mulan, and Sleeping Beauty.  She will sit for hours if we let her and just watch them- I most definitely appreciate them because when she watches them that's the only time that she'll hold still for longer than 2 seconds at a time.  By the way, we watched "Bright Star" this week and it's my new favorite movie- if you are looking for a great love story and just a beautiful movie- WATCH IT.  I love it.  A lot.  

I'M SO TIRED.  and fat.  boo.