Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Here's a couple of fun, late Christmas photos from our time out in Idaho. It really was such a nice Holiday and so great to be with Drew's family.

We also got to spend a day with my sweet cute grandparents in Pocatello. My grandma would not stop holding Moses and when she wasn't Valentine would yell at her "Run Grandma! Run!" trying to chase her. Seeing as my Grandma Connie isn't even walking so great these days, it was kind of funny.

Drew's parents have this skirt for dress-up and Valentine LOVED it. She wore it constantly as a dress and kept telling us how beautiful she looked in it.
Between Moses and Henry Marcene was always holding a big baby boy.
We did a White Elephant a couple of nights before Christmas and Valentine got some Hello Kitty chapstick- loooved it.
Greta, Neil and Lindy.
Abe and Sadie with the hideous scary doll lamp I got from the D.I. as my white elephant gift. The little girls liked it.
Lucy- sooo cute. Sorry for all of the pushing Lucy! I promise Valentine loves you!
The girls all took a bath together on Christmas Eve.

Pile of presents from Santa.
Moses's gifts from us.
Valentine's presents.

Valentine was almost more into the candy from the stockings than her actual presents.

Chad with the girlies.

1 comment:

Jody and Alex said...

Hey- I saw your comment on my blog and I just wanted to tell you that you have to get snot sucker for Valentine and Moses, especially if they are congested! It works wonders! I have to pin E down and she hates it but it is worth it! Sometimes they are hard to find, but I got mine off and ordered some other stuff so that I got free overnight shipping. Anyways, sorry for the way long comment- Your kids btw are too cute!