Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Moses Robinson Hafer

Born Monday, October 11, 2010 at 9:59 p.m. weighing 9 lbs 1 oz and 20 1/2 inches long at the Family Health and Birth Center in Washington D.C.

Of course I have my nine pound baby without drugs and my six pound baby with them. Just kidding- I actually LOVED my Birth Center experience. I loved the calmness of the Birth Center, I loved that I could do whatever I wanted and how I wanted, I could eat (I didn't really eat cause I didn't want to- but I COULD have if I wanted.) I LOVED the tub- best pain relief ever- I loved using my hypnobabies, which worked wonderfully up until the end; and most of all I LOVED my wonderful birthing team- Drew, my mom, Kirby, Page, and my AWESOME midwives Sierra, Erica, and Candace. It actually makes me cry every time I think about Sierra and the help she was and this amazing experience we had together- I definitely could not have done it without her. I also couldn't have done it without Drew and my mom and sisters- they all took turns pouring water on my back or belly while in the tub and were there to do whatever I needed. Drew was amazing- such great support and help, I love him so much. I was in labor for about 16 hours- started having contractions at six in the morning and my beautiful baby boy was born at 10 that night. I have to admit that my labor was quite a bit longer than I was expecting. I also had a TON of back pressure for the last while of my birthing time- I had a pretty huge head down there for a long time and my water wasn't breaking- no hypnosis or epidural could have helped me with that. But Sierra broke my water- I got back in the tub and Baby Moses was born 37 minutes later. His head had been crowning for a long time and I was so confused as to why it wasn't out yet- I stayed really quiet outwardly while pushing, but the whole time I was yelling in my head, "WHY ISN'T HIS HEAD OUT YET??? WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG?? OK NEXT PUSH HE'LL BE OUT. NO?? OK NEXT PUSH. I CAN SEE THE HEAD WHY ISN'T HE JUST OUT YET???!!" His cute big head finally did come out and I pulled that baby boy up to my chest more relieved and happy than I think I've ever been in my life. When I held that chubby baby to me I looked at his head and chunky body and thought, "Oh! That's why it took so long." I couldn't stop laughing when they announced he was over 9 lbs- so shocked. But, he was perfect. He is perfect. I am so in love with my little boy. It's crazy to me that this was all over a week ago- it feels like it was yesterday and years ago at the same time. I've been amazed with both of my babies at that instantaneous love and familiarity you have with your baby. I can't remember life before Moses was here and feel like he's always been a part of my life. He's a sweet, good baby too- eats like a champ- I think he nurses about every 2 hours during the day. He sleeps well at night though. Just like his sister was he's already very alert and aware- but I think he's more mellow than her. And Valentine looooooves "baby brudder." We try to tell her his name is Moses but she will only call him baby or brudder or both. She always asks if she can "hold it!?" and is constantly showering him with kisses. I am so grateful for my darling little family- for my husband who is a great dad and for the two gorgeous babies we created.
This is probably mid-birthing time- awesome Halloween nightgown huh?
The tub truly was the best thing ever- everyone there laughed at my huge sigh of relief when I first got in.
Using my hypnosis during a contraction- or "pressure wave" I should say. Thank you Hypnobabies!
Drew smiling at his new little boy.
Pure joy.
Skin on skin contact while mom got out of the tub.
First family shot.
Awesome awesome awesome aunt/midwife Sierra.
Check out that chunky guy!
Some rest at last.
Could he be anymore darling??
Love love love him.


Parrish Family said...

Congrats Drew and Maddie! He is adorable. So happy for you both. Having one of each really is so much fun.

kkrothrock said...

Congrats Madie and Drew! He is just too precious.

Marissa said...

wow congrats you guys!! He looks darling cute. I can't believe you had a 9 lb. baby!!! your belly does not look like it's carrying a 9 pounder! Love it. Bigger the better...i say.
Hope everything is going well. congrats again!!

Cannon and Kassie said...

Congratulations Maddie! I am so happy for you and for your awesome birth experience! I am a doula so I love to hear a good birth story! Alicia did hypnobabies and loved it. Boys are the best...enjoy!