Saturday, April 30, 2011

Only in McLean

So, Sarah, Maria and I had this game going out at school called, "Only in Rexburg." Pretty self-explanatory- it was a funny list of things we encountered while there that really would only happen in Rexburg. I.E.- A man robbing a bank and getting away- ON FOOT. Or, the headline story of the local news being about a singing mailman. Or, getting chastised by a local lady for sun-bathing in a field because it was across the street from a church. Or, the whole town completely shutting down on Sundays and at 9:00 p.m. all the other days (serisouly- you couldn't go to a drive-thru at 10). Or the kid at Blockbuster checking me out saying "Oh, this is rated R" me- "Oh, do you want to see my I.D.?" kid- "No, it's just.... it's rated R- you shouldn't watch this." You get the picture.


I was at the Giant grocery store here in McLean, VA yesterday where there is a sign up offering Valet Parking to customers. Seriously? What nutter came up with that idea? Who gets/wants/needs VALET parking at a GROCERY store? It really just baffles me- and I always feel so bad for those poor useless guys sitting at their dumb booth by their dumb sign for something dumb that nobody is going to use. This sign has been there for awhile, yet EVERY time I see it all I can think is: "Only in McLean."

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Moses has just hit 6 months and is officially crawling! He's been working on it for weeks, and still isn't great, but he's doing it and he's gotten pretty good at meandering his way around the apartment. He really likes to kind of.... flip around more than actually crawl- he'll go from sitting to all fours and twist back to sitting. It makes me laugh. He's huge and happy and cute.

In other news, my darling Valentine that I love so much has somehow traded places with an evil twin I didn't know about. Evil is strong...... extremely very super naughty secret twin. Half of the time she is lovely and cute and fun and even sweet. The other half..... so terrible. I don't know how to handle it. Sometimes she's just downright nasty. They weren't lying when they labeled it "Terrible Twos." Good thing she's so pretty. Otherwise there are times that I might toss her out. She apparently has a pushing problem in Nursery and LAUGHS when her victim cries. She shrieks and hits when she doesn't get exactly her way (sounds typical but it's horrible). She SLAMS her door when she's mad (which is a lot). She looks at me after I've told her not to do something and with a very deliberate look does it repeatedly- staring at me the whole time. She throws her ipod. *Sigh* Don't even get me started on potty training. We've given up on it for now. Valentine has always been a bit..... sassy. But lately..... yikes bikes. I feel like all I do is yell and tell Valentine "NO!" Probably not helping. I've been thinking if I change my parenting tactics peut-etre I'll see some better results. She's also a toddler which tends to equal naughty for all children, so I need to not take it as a personal slight that my daughter is acting nasty. Jeez, can't wait for teenagers!

Oh and p.s. they both have been coughing NON-STOP FOR WEEKS. Oy-vay.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Cherry Blossoms!!

Reason #1 I love Virginia? Cherry Blossoms.

There were also some BEAUTIFUL Magnolias down by the Jefferson.

This was Drew's first time!

Valentine for some reason thought this stone was her posing pedastool.

Valentine's' favorite part? Blowing Cherry blossom petals off of her palm at the ducks in the water.