Yeah, our car got stolen. No joke. My cute fast little cute Jetta got stolen. I thought Drew was kidding when he called and told me (I'm in Idaho right now), but he wasn't. He saw it Saturday night in the parking lot and when he walked out to go to church the next morning it was gone. I hate Las Vegas and I want my cute fast car back. Oh yeah, and the car seat was in it. Who steals a car with a car seat in it? You have to be a really big jerk to do that.
OMGoodness! What are you going to do? Does insurance just give you a car? I think Jen got her can stolen in LV too! Dang that Devil of a City! I'm so sorry babe!
By the way, did it happen to have a GPS System in it? It's way more likly to be broken into/stolen with one of those.
Update, Jen's car actually got stolen in Los Angeles. But her mail got stolen there. Sucky.
That really sucks!!! I will have to call Drew and talk to him.
NO WAY. That is horrible! What are you going to do?! Was it in the apartment parking lot? Wow. When do you come home? We haven't hung out in far too long.
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